

Cemeteries and burial places in South Australia for family history

Cemetery Search This database lists known cemeteries including pastoral station cemetries with multiple burials. To locate solitary graves and non-cemetery burials use the Lonely Graves search below. This version was last updated 30 Apr 2016.
Cemetery Name: tips
You can also produce a cemetery list with Google Map support by local government area.
Anlaby cemetery
Lonely Grave Search This database lists known lonely graves. This version was last updated 5 May 2016.
Surname: tips
Teetulpa Station
Remote Graves This database lists some of the very remote deaths well beyond cemeteries and therefore the deceased may be buried in a remote grave yet to be located. This version was updated 1 Apr 2016.
Surname: tips
Peter FAGAN's gave,
Unregistered Deaths This database lists known unregistered deaths.
Surname: tips
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